Monday 11 August 2008

Why can't a university student have an erection in peace?

Why can't a university student have an erection in peace?

Trouble erupted at the University of Colombo on 5th August due to an alleged sexual abusing of a female student by two Marshals. An email doing rounds these days show an image with the alleged incident and other images showing the two Marshals who are named as the perpetrators of that incident.

During Dawgs’ time at the university, the Marshals’ were there to prevent the ragging. There can be some merit to this requirement in universities where there was a possibility of ragging taking place out of academic hours where no academic staffs were around. If there was no such possibility then what is the purpose of these ‘licensed thugs’ who always seemed to have ‘assumed’ and exercise a lot of authority over the students.

The key purpose of having the Marshals’ at least at Moratuwa University during Dawgs’ time was to act as the Vice Chancellors personal body guards whenever he did his rounds inside university or to stand guard outside his office doors whenever there was talk of some student protest or agitate. Dawg thinks that this is the main reason that the university authorities have these Marshals. The excuse related to the ‘rag’ is used to justify having personal body guards paid by the public funds to protect VC (and some other high-ups in the institute) from the ‘students’!

All students who enter universities are adults. They are over their age of consent. They are bound by the laws of the country, rules and regulations of the university. If they break those rules, then there is a mechanism to punish them. You don’t need an ‘internal police force’ to ‘watch over the students’. As adults, students can be dealt with the normal laws of the country by the police. Yes, getting cops involved in university issues can be tricky. Having a bunch of ‘licensed thugs’ instead is worse!

Dawg also wants to know what’s wrong with two consenting adults fucking inside the university premises as long as they do it in their ‘private space’ and ‘time’. Isn’t it possible to have such a ‘space’ and ‘time’ inside a university?


Sam said...

Well. we have spate law for tamils. Separate law for Muslims.. separate law for upcountry and another one for low-country. so why not another one for universities too. and separate one for university graduates would be nice too.

Colombaan said...

You should inquire about what the "respected" Professors do to the young female students at the Uni in return for good grades?

Unknown said...

valid point, a pera graduate told me that during his time which wasnt long ago,, male tutors go with female students to a room alone to teach, and the rooms are closed.. no one knows what happens behind closed doors. Whilst what happens between two mutually consenting adults is none of our business i strongly believe there should be a line drawn between tutors and students,, if not outside definitely withing campus.

Dee said...

agreed! Though i do think we should maintain the iron fist used in gov. schools, we shouldn't end up like the west with teenage pregs and stuff.

But noce in Uni, who the hell cares! It's pathetic having these watch dogs roaming and telling ppl what to do and what not to.

Reminds me of this one time a priest made a nasty comment on my JEANS, saying "gaanu lamai kalisam andala, apei rata bla bla"..i was thinking WTF man!? U want me to wear a skirt and show my unshaven legs is it? sigh!

Unknown said...

a distinction needs to be made here between consent, and being influential when abusing the reltionship between teacher and student. i went to a uni where people didnt rag others out of a sick machochistic streak, all they wanted to do was enjoy their carefree abandon youth.